“Let’s go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday.” – Steve Jobs
Opportunity to shine
“When pressure arrives, make sure you see it as an opportunity to shine and not an obstacle that can bring you down.” Carli Lloyd
“If everything was perfect, you would never learn and you would never grow.”
– Beyoncé
Bring in the Balloons
“There was a tour in Germany. There was a building on the far side of the field that was visible from the stage, and we found out it was an old SS headquarters. People were already in the stands. (Prince) finds out that’s what that building is and says, ‘I can’t look at that all night and perform. So, I’m not going on.’ So they had to figure out what are they going to do. How are they going to make this building go away. So, the Production Manager – sharp – brought in a hot air balloon club. They brought in balloons and parked them in front of the building. That, to me, was amazing to see that go down.” – Peter Greenlund, who toured with Prince for nine years on the Current, Minnesota National Public Radio
“There is something about having people around you giving you support that is motivating. Once I got that support from people, then I believed I could do anything.” – Prince on theroot.com
Go live there
“Find out what you’re afraid of and go live there.”
– Chuck Palahniuk
Try something new
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” -Albert Einstein
Progress in a democracy is never instantaneous
“When it comes to specifics, the world is complicated and there are choices you have to make. The trajectory of progress comes in fits and starts and where you’re going is balanced by what is and where you’ve been. Progress in a democracy is never instantaneous and it’s always partial.
…It’s like steering an ocean liner and making a 2 degree turn so that 10 years from now we’re suddenly in a very different place. You can’t turn 50 degrees all at once because that’s not how societies – especially democracies – work. As long as we’re turning in the right direction and we’re making progress, government is working like its supposed to.” – President Obama
Things do work out
“There is a sense that things, if you keep positive and optimistic about what can be done, do work out.”
– Hillary Clinton
If he learns to calm down…
“Murray is a great, great talent, one of the biggest ever, and a big part of it is not being used, because his mindset is not calm. He gets frustrated very easily. When he’s winning he has booming confidence, but once he starts losing, his mind turns around and he looks lost. He starts talking to his box, and this distracts his mind. If he learns to calm down, he will have a far bigger career than he has by now. I would love for Murray to achieve his potential.” – Srdjan Djokovic (Novak’s father) on Andy Murray